



Sacred Belonging

I was recently driving to pick up the family’s weekly stock of groceries during this Australian winter lockdown, enough to feed a village, when one of my favorite classics came on the radio.


Windows up so no one could hear, I sang along loud and proud to Whitney Houston’s “I’m Every Woman.” I have undergone so much personal growth since devoting my life to Femme Soul. And here, something clicked while singing these words:

Wait a minute. Am I every woman? Is it all in me? Am I

supposed to do it all? And can I do it all alone?

Maybe Whitney is missing something? Her classic feminist anthem tells us to take pride in doing it all, being it all…all the time. Exhausting no? Each line begins with “I.” I can cast a spell of secrets you can tell. But in this age of sacred femininity, maybe it’s not the “I” but rather the “we.”


We rise up together. What does this shift toward “we” mean for women’s wellness? It feels like grounding, safety, a solid foundation of love. The sense of belonging to a tribe to which we are returning.

I have worked one-on-one with so many beautiful, gifted women for over 10 years to activate their businesses and step into their full selves. I have come to know that no woman living into her wellness and her dreams can do it alone. The fruits of our work together have grown from the solid foundation of our connection.

In my own journey too, I know deeply that I need the support of my best friends and soul sisters to move through mud and blossom into my most beautifully expressed Lotus life. I can think of a handful of women off the top of my head that fill my heart with love the moment they come into my mind.

It is these very connections that brought Femme Soul into being. In the muddy metamorphasis that overtook me and awakened me into creating Femme Soul, I surrounded myself with my team of supporters and they helped me to embrace this as a learning process. This was the key. Because when we come together in community as women supporting women, magic happens. When you feel a woman’s success as your own success, victory happens. Sacred Belonging happens.

Our ancestors knew this, and we are just remembering. As we remember, we take our feminine power beyond the “I” and even beyond the one-on-one. The new paradigm is Sacred Belonging in a community of like-minded, like-hearted women. This is the foundation of Femme Soul — to share this retreat together as 10-12 amazing sisters and Mother Nature with a shared intention to go deep and rise up together. It’s my mission to take women out of lock-down and into rise-up — to make it accessible to all of us.

Because WE are every woman. And it’s all in US.

If you are called to immerse yourself in Sacred Belonging at one of our upcoming Femme Soul Retreats, contact us with any questions!

And to cultivate Sacred Belonging at home, explore this Femme Soul home practice.

Femme Soul “Sacred Belonging” Home Practice

Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and conjure in your mind the image of your best friend. That’s right, your best friend! Or maybe there are many.

What does she look like, sound like? How does she make you feel? Is she that person on speed-dial who you can go to no matter what? That #1 cheerleader who always has your back? A deep soul connection who has been in your life for many years, seen you through thick and thin? Or maybe she just came into your life recently but with full force!

And who are you to this woman? How do you step into your Sacred Belonging by being there for her?

Now send her your Love and Gratitude. Breath into the Grounding, Belonging, and Safety that this friendship brings to your life. Feel supported knowing that this friendship gives roots to your wellbeing. Send her your Love, receive hers, and feel that you belong.

With Love

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Sacred Belonging

We rise up together. What does this shift toward “we” mean for women’s wellness? It feels like grounding, safety, a solid foundation of love. The sense of belonging to a tribe to which we are returning.

Femme Connection

The feminine soul is innately intuitive, strong, and unique.

Empowered Soul

As women step into our wellness, achieve greater successes, and soften into our femininity, empowerment can be an elusive term.

Wise Woman Retreat & Spa


A wild haven retreat nestled

in the Australian wilderness


Imagine a road winding through emerald rice fields leading to a place of calm surrounded by nothing but nature. On the slopes of the Tabanan mountains, a magical oasis of meditation, silence and health.

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